Square wave signal non linear pendulum
Square wave signal non linear pendulum

square wave signal non linear pendulum

Since for the numerical determination of the optimum TMD parameters a close to reality loading should be considered, a time history was generated that included both the stochastic gust loading (based on the Davenport Spectrum) and a superimposed resonant, vortex shedding like, component for representing the overall crosswind excitation ( Fig. In addition, the relative displacements of the TMD mass are bigger for a stochastic than for a harmonic-type loading. Yet, the co-existing gust loading is inherently of stochastic nature and for it, optimization criteria other than the well-known Den Hartog (1956) criterion apply. The load characteristics for the governing input case, i.e., resonant excitation due to vortex shedding, are very alike to that of a single harmonic excitation.

square wave signal non linear pendulum

The TMD has been discretely modeled as a pendulum system capturing also its eccentric position at the tower.

Square wave signal non linear pendulum